Universitatea Crestina “Dimitrie Cantemir”
Faculty of Law Cluj-Napoca
Presentation of the specifics of international private law in terms of external elements, comparison between various civil law and private law institutions;
Presentation of cases and student evaluation;
Thesis coordinator;
Center for Improvement of the Legal Profession Cluj-Napoca
Ensuring the operational functioning of the organisation, the development of external relations, management of press relations and constant communication with the press.
Cabinet de Avocat Crisan Horea
A wide range of legal services such as : Commercial litigation, banking litigations, financial and real-estate consultancy for development and investments, Capital Market, Administrative and fiscal, Privatization, Right Insurance, Arbitration, Meditation and Conciliation
“Cîrnu, Dumitrache, Gherghina & Sebeni” SCA
Contract drafting and court representation
Incorporation of companies with IT as main object of activity
Legal counsel
AEGEE Europe - NGO
Person of contact with various international institutions, companies, universities, governments; (OECD, UN, embassies, diplomatic missions, etc.)
Development of marketing strategies, financing strategies and partnerships for ongoing AEGEE projects;
Lobby and preparation of various grant applications for the European Commission and foundations;
Management of various projects, consultancy for European affairs issues with impact on AEGEE projects;
AEGEE Europe/AEGEE Cluj-Napoca - NGO
AEGEE Europe/AEGEE Cluj-Napoca - NGO
Integration of amendments and decisions made by the AEGEE General Assembly;
Management of the association;
External representation, involvement of local and national authorities, universities, local press;
Project management;
- Founding member – Junior Chamber International Cluj-Napoca 2006
- Member of the . – National Association of Romanian Bars – Bucharest Bar
- Member of Club Romania – UE (Bruxelles) 2003
- Member of AEGEE Cluj-Napoca 2000
Universiatea de Vest Timisoara
Faculty of Law, Timisoara
Universiatea de Vest Timisoara
Faculty of Law, Timisoara
Institutul National pentru Pregatirea si Perfectionarea Avocatilor
Bucharest Bar
Universitatea Crestina “Dimitrie Cantemir”
Faculty of Law, Bucharest
Universitatea Crestina “Dimitrie Cantemir”
Faculty of Law, Cluj-Napoca
* Certificat de competenţă lingvistică 26, 1 pct. din 30, Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca
** Certificat de competenţă lingvistică Centrul Cultural German nivelul A2
- 2008: June - Academy of European Law Trier, European Constitutional Law
- 2007: June – Academy of European Law Trier, European Constitution
Project Management:
2004External Relations Director AEGEE Europe, organisation of the AEGEE delegation at the OECD Forum, Paris with the support of Mr John WEST – Forum Director;
2004Project Manager – “Youth Elections 2004” Seminary, organised with the support of the Romanian Embassy in Belgium, with the support of Ambassador Ion JINGA;;
2003 External Relations Director – World Youth Summit on Globalisation,European Parliament – Bruxelles, organised with the support of the Romanian Embassy in Belgium;
2002External Relations Director - “The Impact of the Educational Programmes on the Enlargement of the EU"conference, Cluj-Napoca with the support of the European Commission, and the Ministry of European Integration
2000 External Relations Director – “Borderless Europe” final conference, Cluj-Napoca with Baroness Emma Nicholson as guest of honour;
- Delegate of the Cluj Bar 2008 October – Federation de Bareaux de l’Europe, London
- Participant 2008 June - Academy of European Law Trier, European Constitutional Law
- Participant 2008 February – European Romania international conference, Timişoara
- Participant 2007 June - Academy of European Law Trier, European Constitution
- Speaker – 2005, “Bulgaria and the European Union”- Blagoevgrad South-West University;
- Trainer - Projects European School-Oradea 2002, Fund Raising European School- Utrecht 2003, Regional Meeting – Leiden 2004;
- Good strategist, problem solving abilities and crisis management capabilities;